Several international Organizations such as the EU or the World Bank, and national Governmental and non-Governmental bodies offer financing for studies, training, design of innovative ideas, research or technical assistance in the social protection field. EBWI constantly monitors such opportunities and is The main services offered by EBWI Monitoring and Advocacy services towards the European Institutions Nowadays, the European Union influences roughly 80% of the national legislation of its member states. Therefore, before looking at what is going on in a Country of the European Economic Area, it is necessary to understand the ongoing activities of the EU decision makers in Brussels. EBWI, located in the heart of the European district, boasts strict and permanent relations with the European Institutions (Commission, Parliament and Council) as much as with the main European bodies involved in the EU policy making and regulations drafters such as the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), or the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work (OSHA). EBWI monitors, interacts and influences the mentioned decision makers and their initiatives on behalf of its clients, by representing their interests and also by offering a permanent domiciliation to national and international federations in Brussels towards the EU. capable to present applications aimed at getting such financing. In addition, EBWI can participate as a partner with other applicant organizations, and find possible partners on behalf of its clients in order to set up a credible consortium eligible to be granted for tenders. If and when the financing is obtained, the EBWI will provide its expertise to implement such projects.